
Total Articles Found: 5

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  • Millions of PC Motherboards Were Sold With a Firmware Backdoor
  • A Popular Password Hashing Algorithm Starts Its Long Goodbye
  • Police Linked to Hacking Campaign to Frame Indian Activists
  • How China Hacked US Phone Networks
  • A Teen Took Control of Teslas by Hacking a Third-Party App

Millions of PC Motherboards Were Sold With a Firmware Backdoor

Published: 2023-05-31 19:54:41

Popularity: None

Author: Condé Nast

Hidden code in hundreds of models of Gigabyte motherboards invisibly and insecurely downloads programs—a feature ripe for abuse, researchers say.


A Popular Password Hashing Algorithm Starts Its Long Goodbye

Published: 2023-05-26 10:29:53

Popularity: None

Author: Condé Nast

The coinventor of “bcrypt” is reflecting on the ubiquitous function’s 25 years and channeling cybersecurity’s core themes into electronic dance music.


Police Linked to Hacking Campaign to Frame Indian Activists

Published: 2022-06-16 17:30:03

Popularity: None

Author: Condé Nast

🤖: "Cop's got a bug"

New details connect police in India to a plot to plant evidence on victims' computers that led to their arrest.


How China Hacked US Phone Networks

Published: 2022-06-12 11:24:15

Popularity: None

Author: Condé Nast

🤖: "Spyware alert"

Plus: Russia rattles its cyber sword, a huge Facebook phishing operation is uncovered, feds take down the SSNDOB marketplace, and more.


A Teen Took Control of Teslas by Hacking a Third-Party App

Published: 2022-01-16 16:44:13

Popularity: None

Author: Condé Nast

🤖: "Tesla hacked"

Plus: Open source sabotage, Ukrainian website hacks, and more of the week's top security news.

